Welcome to the Official Website of Riverside SUD

Our Mission

At Riverside Special Utility District, we are committed to providing safe, high quality water services to our community, while maintaining a standard of excellence in customer service and environmental conservation.

Phone: (936) 594-5793

Fax: (936) 594-3537

Email: office@riversidesud.com

Board Meetings and Agendas

Riverside SUD holds monthly Board of Directors meetings on the third Thursday of the month. Meetings are held at the office located in the City of Riverside, Texas at 3662 Hwy 19. Please select Board Meetings under the drop-down tab News and Notices or click here to go to the Board Meetings' page.  

News & Notices on Projects

We continue to educate and train our employees to help them accomplish "Our Mission" by requiring them to attend water classes, seminars, and conferences during the year.

Time For Preparedness

Time For Preparedness

September 03, 2024

As September arrives, so does National Preparedness Month—a time to emphasize the importance of being ready for any emergency situation that may arise. From natural disasters to unforeseen emergencies, being prepared can make all the difference in keeping yourself and your loved ones safe.

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